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Atlantic Estuarine Research Society

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oral Presentations

TRADITIONAL oral Presentations:

Presenters are allocated 15 minutes
12 minutes for the talk; 3 minutes for questions

Save talks in PowerPoint format. Use the standard slide size (4:3).

Format filenames according to this example: “Fri_1300_Fertig“
[Day_Time_Last Name]

Bring your talks in PowerPoint format on a jump drive to the registration desk for uploading.

The laptop used to project will be a PC.
Preview your slides to ensure they look correct and animations/videos work properly.
Once you give your OK, you cannot make additional changes.

Please load your talks in advance.

Friday am talks MUST be loaded ON Thursday evening.
Friday pm talks MUST be loaded BY Friday am break.
Saturday talks before the break MUST be loaded BY end of last break on Friday.
Saturday talks after the break MUST be loaded BY end of the Saturday break.


Ignite-style lightning talks follow a standard format that encourages short, engaging presentations that focus on the key points of the research. Each talk consists of 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds, for a total of five minutes.

Ignite talks are allocated 7 minutes
5 minutes for the talk; 2 minutes for questions

You are limited to no more than 20 slides, and they must be set to auto-advance every 15 seconds.

Be sure to practice your talk to ensure that you stay within the time limit and can manage the slide transitions.

These websites may have helpful tips:

Ignite Talks Website

Scott Berkun - Why and How to Give an Ignite Talk

Cecilia A. Sanchez - Giving an Ignite Talk as a Scientist 


Poster dimensions are 36" x 45" LANDSCAPE.

Presenters are responsible for creating and printing their own posters.

Foam board, tacks, and easels will be available in the poster location.

Unless otherwise noted, posters may be set up as early as Thursday evening.

You must take down your poster by the end of the meeting on Saturday.

Please remove the tacks, collapse the easel, and place both in the designated collection areas.

Keep content simple and provide a clear message in text that is large enough to read from a distance. Further details can be provided in discussions with attendees or via a handout that also includes your contact information.

Some good resources for preparing posters include:

Creating Effective Poster Presentations

How to create a research poster: Poster basics

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